
physIQ Acquired by Prolaio to Enhance its Next-Gen Connected Heart Care Technology for Clinical Care and Research


physIQ Acquired by Prolaio to Enhance its Next-Gen Connected Heart Care Technology for Clinical Care and Research


The market for advanced digital biomarkers, derived from continuous, near real-time physiological data from wearable biosensors is poised for significant growth as life sciences and healthcare companies look to scale precision medicine and personalized care, increase patient safety, detect exacerbations and develop better interventions for patients across a host of conditions and diseases. Advancements in deep learning algorithms and AI along with rigorous clinical validation studies and an increasingly accepting regulatory framework has further enabled adoption.

Founded in 2011 and based in Chicago, physIQ is a leader in the development of novel, clinically-validated, FDA-approved digital biomarkers capable of predicting physiological changes from a personalized baseline, often ahead of current standards of care – empowering more timely and effective interventions by clinicians and researchers. The company’s software platform collects continuous, physiological data streams from any wearable biosensors and analyzes this data, in near real-time, with its proprietary deep learning algorithms to provide unique clinical insights for patients in clinical trials or under clinical care. physIQ's platform and digital biomarkers are used by premier life science and healthcare organizations to make treatment safer, less expensive and more accessible across a number of therapeutic areas, diseases and conditions including; cardiovascular, immuno-oncology, pulmonary / respiratory and sleep. These unique capabilities positioned physIQ as the preferred partner for Prolaio to enhance its next generation, connected heart care platform.

Crosstree’s Role

Crosstree's extensive experience in the healthcare technology and clinical trials spaces assisted physIQ identify Prolaio as the ideal transaction partner by: 

  • Synthesizing physIQs unique go-to-market strategy and competitive differentiation into a cohesive value proposition 
  • Tightly managing the due diligence process timeline to bring the transaction to a successful outcome 
  • Utilizing our deep industry expertise to guide physIQ through an unconventional transaction 


Pharma Services
Healthcare Technology


Merger and Acquisition

Deal Tags

Clinical Trials
Data Science
Decentralized Trials
Healthcare Technology
Medical Device